"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in getting up every time that we fall." Confucius
Our family have seen Susan a number of times for different things and I have recommended her to many people. Our sessions have included helping with bad habits, anxiety (some caused by the pandemic and menopause) and negative thought processes that the children had. My biggest issue that I approached Susan about was to give up drinking alcohol as she’d helped us with other bad habits and that was easy. I was a habit drinker and wanted to break the habit.
When I saw Susan for the hypnotherapy session she asked if I wanted to give up or reduce my intake, I told her give up, but I was having doubts as I couldn’t see myself in social situations without a drink! After giving up drinking for 6 months after seeing Susan I attended an event in which I wanted to drink at, this led to me drinking again and again it was a habit I didn’t want.
I decided after this point that I really wanted to give up permanently and as I had my hypnotherapy recording I listened to it again, this time I knew that I was not missing out on anything at all and I was in the right place to give up, and could imagine myself sober in social situations.
Susan is very approachable, a great listener, a problem solver and loves her job.
I cannot recommend Susan enough. I have needed Susan's expertise twice and both times she has been so welcoming and calm and caring. The first time I visited Susan it was for my fear of flying. I had not been on a plane for 25 years due to a bad previous experience. I was very sceptical that hypnotherapy would work and was unsure it was for me. I could not have been more wrong.
My 8 1/2 year old daughter was finding school life increasingly difficult. Socially she didn't feel that she belonged " I don't fit in mummy" and "I might as well be invisible" is what she was saying to me.
In class she started to become the "class clown" in an attempt to make her peers like her and get noticed . But it was in the playground where she faced most of her challenges. Finding herself caught up in conflicts. She would say she felt she wasn't given the opportunity to give her side of the story, whether this was the case or not, it led to her becoming increasingly angry and frustrated about the way she felt she was being treated.This had a knock on effect on her self-esteem,which was already quiet low. It was heart breaking as a mother to watch my child dislike herself and believe that she was useless and no-one liked her.
Initially I couldn't understand why my daughter's self-esteem was so low. Her father and I had tried to be positive in our approach to parenting. It was then that I decided that perhaps we needed some help and spoke to Sue about our daughters lack of understanding and ability to deal with her anger and her increasingly low self-esteem. Sue's initial consultation with my child clearly showed that she new when she got angry the effect it had on her friendships and she wanted to change this aspect of herself . Sue recognised how low her self-esteem had become. Sue saw my daughter for a number of weeks and after each session my daughter would come out beaming, she loved "talking" to Sue and looked forward to seeing her the next time. She was given something to think of and try if she became angry or frustrated. Sue also worked on her self-esteem during the sessions and gave her a CD to take home after each session, which was listened to every night!
The change in my daughters behaviour has been a quiet rapid one. She's never going to be an angel and I wouldn't expect her to be, but there has been a marked difference in how she handles herself. She is also widening her circle of friends in the playground. She has grown in confidence and where once she might have been rejected, she now is enjoying a variety of friendships. Both the Head teacher and class teacher have commented on the change in her attitude both in the class and out on the playground. Her self-belief is improving as well. What i have noticed, is that she is able come out of her negative spiral a lot quicker than she use to, and is able to move on and leave whatever had upset her behind.
I can't thank Sue enough for the support she has given my daughter and for giving her the tools to deal with her anger. She has helped my child believe that she is special, loved and capable of achieving whatever she chooses too.
Thank you so much Sue.
Mrs W - Briantspuddle
I discovered Susan via Google when I was feeling anxious about having my photo taken and my overeating issues before my wedding in October.
I chose her because she had a lovely friendly photograph on her site and looked normal.....
I was right, from the first minute I arrived at her lovely home she made me feel welcome and I felt I could talk to her without being made to feel stupid. I have been told so many times that i was just being stupid when I have not wanted to have my photograph taken that I was starting to believe it myself.
Susan gave me time to talk and asked questions that coaxed my issues out of me. She made me understand that to address one issue can mean addressing several to get to the right end.
The actual hypnotherapy itself was very relaxing but also left me feeling uplifted afterwards. Susan provided me with a disk of our sessions and I listened to them several times between appointments. This reinforced what she had already done with me. Through my experience with Susan I have started to understand how my body indicates what it needs and how much it needs, I am listening to it and do feel healthier and I have less stress around meals. I have not weighed since starting the hypnotherapy but I feel so much more comfortable in my clothes and my wedding dress feels fantastic. I have had a few photographs taken and while I still do not feel 100% comfortable I do not pick fault with it after I see it. I am sure that continuing with the disks will get me up to 100% in no time.
I can whole heartily recommend Susan and her techniques and I would encourage people to go to her as soon as they feel they need help rather than wasting time, energy and money on everything else. Hypnotherapy is not nonsense, it is a great tool to have to help understand ourselves and cope with the things life throws at us.
Please give it a try
Bizz - Dorchester
Just a quick thank you to Susan who helped my granddaughter and me overcome our different issues . My granddaughter developed a phobia about fire alarms and refused to come to my flat as she was present when it went off. She had 4 sessions which included talking, coping exercises & drawing. She also came away with a CD from each session which helped to reinforce what she learnt. She will now happily come to my flat! My issues were with a long term habit of smoking. I have not smoked for 11 days which is the longest period for many many years. Susan said something very profound during hypnotherapy and I don't think I will ever forget it. I have held on to what she said and not given in!!
K - Dorchester
A short time ago I heard of a lady who used Hypnotherapy to help people in their struggle to maintain a normal life. So with an open mind I made an appointment. Sue being generous with her time allowed me to pour out my problems, past and present. Sue helped me to relax with Hypnotherapy and to deal with my anxieties and to be comfortable with myself. So as a result I would say I am a lot happier a person with her help.
L - Dorchester
It was four weeks ago today that Susan worked her magic on my brain and I am pleased to report that I have not had a cigarette. No cravings at all, odd occasions where I have thought about it, but rarely. And when we went to my dads birthday BBQ ( and having a glass of wine) amid others smoking, I didn't even thing about it...? Only when I got home did I realise that I hadn't thought about having one, that really surprised me! :)
N - Tolpuddle
I contacted Susan after my wife found her website searching for local Hypnotherapists online.
I was suffering with severe social anxiety at the time and felt that this type of therapy along with CBT therapy would benefit me in my journey back to normality.
I was greeted with an initial warm and understanding consultation which underlined the work which needed to be done over the coming weeks.
I was unable to go along to my daughter's play groups, share a romantic meal with my wife in a busy restaurant, walk into a supermarket or even drive my car on busy roads. I was not able to live my life how I used to, because of this debilitating rut I found myself in.
After 5-6 sessions the improvements to both my well being and life style were very obvious. I was overcoming my fears with a little will power and the confidence that hypnotherapy gave me. I was able to do all the things I used to do just by listening to the CD's I was given for specific areas, which I needed help with on a daily basis.
This became routine, time set aside each day to gently, comfortably and naturally reach a higher state of relaxation, which was a very pleasant experience both in a session and at home.
I am now enjoying life how I used to and am able to do the social things I want without worry or panic.
I would highly recommend Susan's therapy to anyone who has similar experiences and to talk about everything to bring out the troubles which can then be dealt with and rectified.
A huge thank you once again!!
Mr S - Charlton Down